Mazama School and Community Club In 1921, the Mazama School was opened in the building that is now the Mazama Community Club. While some of the early history is unclear, it is believed that Minnie McCain Tingley Stewart, depicted below, built the cabin and then sold it, still unfinished, to Angus McCleod. Prior to the opening of the school, the school district bought thecabin from MCleod in order to operate the building as a school. Minnie Stewart's daughter, Blanche Stewart, depicted below on the left, was the head teacher for the majority of the schools lifetime. In 1937 the school districts board determined that operating the school could no longer be justified, due to the fact that there were less than 12 students enrolled. A few years later, in 1943, the Mazama Community Club bought the property and has occupied it and other adjacent properties since then. The club still uses the original 1921 schoolhouse, also shown below, for different events and gatherings.
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